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Hydrangea flower_edited.jpg
is my
daily inspiration
to paint and draw
what I see and feel.
Heavy body acrylics applied with palette knife are my playground of joy. I embraced the directness and commitment it dictates.
My ink drawings are quite similar. You can't erase ink. Observing, focus and dedication to your subject are key. After one successful attempt years ago I never used a pencil for drawing ever again. Now my close-up detail drawings of nature serve as a welcome counterbalance to my palette knife paintings where those details recede.
Being born on a sailing barge in the Netherlands I explored the lakes and seas with my family. I loved every single second of it. Experiencing nature in this unique and profound way made it an essential part of my present life.
I moved to the USA in 2011 and made my home and studio in New Jersey, just a stone throw away from the
Delaware river.
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